
IBU OC MEETING, 17-19 September 2021, Bled/SLO | AGENDA


17-19 September 2021, Bled/SLO

Dear Biathlon Family and Friends,

OC Pokljuka is excited to be able to welcome you in the heart of our small but green country – the city of Bled. If this is your first time exploring Bled or Slovenia, you can find more information about them here (Bled) and/or here (Slovenia).

We have gathered all the necessary information about the OC Meeting, including the meeting agenda, down below.

We hope your short stay with us will be a memorable and enjoyable one and we hope to see you again soon!



The OC Meeting will be subjected to strict COVID-19 measures which are as follow:



Attendance at the meeting is only permitted when fulfilling one of the following criteria as also described in detail in the attached document:


  1. Vaccinated
  2. Recovered
  3. Tested (only if 1 or 2 do not apply):
    • To attend the meeting on Friday and Saturday a negative PCR test taken latest on Thursday (16.09.) needs to be provided
    • IBU will conduct in addition quick tests on Friday at 12:00 in the hotel
    • If you are not able to take this test in the hotel, you need to provide a negative test result from Friday (17.09.) on your own (e.g. testing before departure when traveling by car or at the airport upon arrival)
    • Another test will be taken on Saturday 17:30 which also facilitates your travel home
    • If you need tests (not fulfilling 1 or 2 above) please contact Nina Jakhel nina.jakhel@biathlon-pokljuka.com and provide the following data:
        • Name, Given Name
        • Date of birth
        • Copy of passport/ID
        • Email-address
        • Mobile Phone nr.
    • The tests are 20,00 € each and need to be paid cash on site. You will receive certificates to your provided email.


For check-in at the hotel one of the above mentioned criteria also needs to be provided.




Contact person for any additional information regarding the meeting, transfers or those of the general nature, is Ms Urška Klinar availabe on +386 51 245 953.

Contact person for OC Pokljuka and any information regarding COVID-19 is Ms Nina Jakhel available on +386 41 677 657.



Information desk is located in Rikli Balance Hotel in Arnold Meeting area. Opening hours:

Friday, 17. September 2021 from 12:00 – 17:30

Saturday, 18. September 2021 from 8:30 – 18:00

Sunday, 19. September 2021 from 8:00 – 13:00

Outside opening hours please contact miss Urška Klinar available on +386 51 245 953.



Friday, 17 September 2021

Until noonArrival
12:00-14:00COVID19 Test for non-vaccinated participants
Buffet Lunch (Rikli Balance Hotel restaurant)
14:00-14:15Welcome words (IBU President)
14:15-14:30IBU Events - Status Quo/Where we are: Event facts & connected reach
14:30-15:30New TV/Marketing Contracts: overview and major changes
15:30-16:00Coffee Break
16:00-17:00IBU Support/Contributions for IBU Event OCs - 2022/23 & 2023/24
17:00-17:15Wrap-Up and Info for Saturday
18:30Bus transfer to Dinner
19:00Official Dinner (Bled Castle Restaurant) - hosted by IBU

Saturday, 18 September 2021

Individual Breakfast (Hotel)
9:00-9:30Introduction New Membercenter by Siwidata
9:30-10:15Pre-Info Season Planning 2021/22 - COVID19
10:15-10:45Coffee Break
10:45-11:30Info Event Logistics - Season 2021/22 & 2022/23 onwards
12:00-13:30Buffet Lunch (Rikli Balance Hotel restaurant)
13:30-15:00Room 1: WCH/WC OCs
New IBU Digital Ecosystem: introduction & workshop
Sustainability at future IBU Events: introduction & workshop
15:00-15:30Coffee Break
15:30-17:00Room 1: WCH/WC OCs
New IBU Digital Ecosystem: introduction & workshop
Sustainability at future IBU Events: introduction & workshop
17:00-17:15Wrap-Up of Friday/ Saturday
17:30-18:30COVID19 Test for non-vaccinated participants
19:00Dinner in "House Pokljuka" (Grand Hall, Grand Hotel Toplice, walking distance) - hosted by OC Pokljuka

Sunday, 19 September 2021

Individual Breakfast (Hotel)
Starting from 8:00Individual OC Meetings w/lBU RDs/Officials/Dept. - see separate time schedule
13:00Lunch (individual organization)


IBU DINNER, Friday, 17 September 2021

You have already received the invitation to the IBU dinner which contains all additional information. Transportation from the hotel to the venue is planned for 18:30 from Rikli Balance Hotel. We kindly ask you to adhere to strict Covid-19 prevention measures during the transportation: you are required to sit next to your OC and wear a protective mask for the entire duration of the drive to the location. The mask needs to be worn correctly which means the nose and mouth have to be covered. Make sure to disinfect your hands before entering and after disembarking the bus.

The return transport from the venue will be available after the end of the dinner.

OC POKLJUKA DINNER – “HOUSE POKLJUKA”, Saturday, 18 September 2021

You have already received the invitation to the OC Pokljuka dinner which contains all the additional information.

The location of the dinner is within walking distance to your hotel, with the entrance to it being from the lake side. For more information please consult the entrance location below:

For directions from hotel Rikli Balance, click here.

For directions from hotel Park, click here.